Dev Log #4 Post-Production

Looking into my post-production mindset I feel odd. On one hand I feel relieved but still a bit tired, guess I need finals to truly be over to feel that breath of fresh air, on the other hand I feel like I really let my team down in some aspects. Despite the team telling me I've done a lot and speaking of my accomplishments I feel like I could have done so much more. More focused edits to systems, better organization time wise and structure wise. I know my biggest failure is failing to help my team enough with things such as the playtest reports and in return not showing results through the development of the project. 

I know that this week alone has showered me in life problems I couldn't ignore and I feel tired but I still pushed myself to work. I know I've spent this last week alone having late night coding sessions picking at everything I could, and in some ways it paid off, in others I could hear how tired my other members were with the rougher edges of the project. I know there were some ups and downs but I don't fault them for it, at the end of the day I know most of the things I messed up on and I can look at how my choices have affected other team members progress for better or worse. This sounds all ominous and dramatic but I just feel like I should have done better and that I genuinely liked the people I worked with, they did great!

But learning from my work right now I think I can say I learned a lot, trying my hand at coding more to expand my experience was really bumpy but it seems to have resulted in me learning a lot and learning some interesting solutions to problems. Looking at my peers games I thought to myself "Wonder how they coded that one?" or "I wonder if they did this to the camera?" which was something new for me, high end coding still scares the life out of me but I'm glad I can feel like I've made that jump from first year me.

I hope my team had  some fun and learned a lot, love those goobers.


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Hindsight is 20/20, as we're still learning, its natural to be more inexperienced in scheduling and with the technical skills you need. Programming is a massive rabbit hole, there's just so much to learn and master, especially with ongoing life problems that are out of your control. I think its great that you still want to push through, and are actively observing how and why other people approached their game the way they did. Goodluck in all your future projects!