Dev Log #1 Pre-Production

The pre production for this project may be seen differently by my team members but for me it has been honestly a mess.  Given the role of Lead Designer and being the only programmer I do find the use of pre production material more useful for my team than I do personally. The use of pre production is useful to share the ideas and goals we have as a team, but for myself the ideas being shared do not offer me anything that advances the project's development. I do have a very large plate of responsibilities and sometimes the  added work of pre production felt like a large step I had to trudge through before beginning to code and test if some of our game ideas were feasible in a controlled environment. Although I do understand the importance and help this has provided my team and having them discuss with each other with the template I and another team member have worked on.

The pre production phase carrying over to this semester and the quick organization we had for these last weeks has started to bear fruit in the form of beginning to code and watching my team begin to take a crack at all our tasks. This week alone I have watched my team run forward with assets and narrative already seeing great development and I've begun preparing Unity Engine for my team through the set up of an asset grid and the player controller.

I am a little stressed by the amount of preproduction work I have going on while balancing the management and development of this project but despite this I am more than willing to do the extra work for my team since it seems they are beginning to share a strong vision for the up coming project.

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