Dev Log 1 - Conducting Research for Game Design

These last two weeks I've spent studying and writing about my design challenge which was properly written as a research report. My topic of choice was AR/VR, I focused this further towards a military use of AR/VR. At first I just studied the use of it to help with PTSD  found in members of the military serving on the frontlines but I also explored this further to research if their could be any negative consequences for AR/VR in situations where it could be used to further warfare. 

I began my research by doing a quick Google search before cementing myself in my design challenge topic, I found a lot of supporting evidence for all the good AR/VR has on helping with exposure therapy. I also found some research regarding the desensitization using technology in warfare tactics and some training. 

With my research I will begin to form a game proposal, I think I would want to make a small action game where the main setting and theme would be futuristic and the main thing I would want to use a design choice of creating moments where the player is unable to tell what is real and what isn't. Maybe have moments where something ethereal and virtual in nature helps guide the player, or messes with the player. Something that uses the world of the player is in and causes even you to gauge what is truly real or not. 

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