Dev Log #3 Production

In comparison to my last dev log things are looking a lot better but still have running into new issues as I continue. After my experience from design week, I've picked up a lot of new things I can carry forward with this project, and even further beyond. For example, the hands-on and committed nature of design week made it clear what a sprint should and could look like. It felt stressful coding for design week but it also gave me some confidence in seeing how far I have come from my year 1 lack of skill. Applying this to my team I kind of realized how much I may have been putting off and how quickly I could pick at something if I sat down and had the time to do so. which is an issue as the year comes to a close. 

My responsibilities as a young adult outside of this program have been putting pressure on me to pick and choose what to invest my time in, not to mention co-op. This mirrors my thought process looking at this project last week, I've put in some extra elbow grease to pick at it but it looks like things have to be cut, things have to be scoped down and it has to change if we want this project to shift gears a bit. My team has been very supportive and I've been excited to see their progress on this same game we are picking at, I know we all have our responsibilities and lives outside of this but the work they have shown is wonderful, it would be a lot smoother if we could focus more but it is what it is. 

So far, if anything I think that I've learned a lot, I'm tired, I'm excited and I'm okay with failing my way toward success. looking more specifically at my coding currently, I've kind of pushed myself to start adding everything I can regardless of my team's progress and making sure that what I do have can work no matter how far the rest of the team gets, this is more of a love letter to myself to see what I can create as a designer. It's interesting looking at the ways I can squeeze out new ideas as past ones fail trying to get a new mechanic going. If anything that's all I can keep thinking about, that I've grown and that's all I really should care about going forward. 

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