Dev Log #2 Production

The production of Neural Echoes has been a bit rocky on my end as the programmer, not in the sense of issues coming from coding or building but rather issues with my personal life. Overall I have been quite busy with other responsibilities but I have redirected the short amount of time I do have towards the group and just talking to them about issues and progress of the project as we continue. The hands on work of production is really helpful in having us find faults and issues within the team quickly and we are quickly growing past these growing pains to really learn more about each other and the vision of our final project.

On the side of my own work I am picking away at more coding and the list of features before reconvening with my team to start implementing their work which is fine because they have gone back to rework on some issues they have encountered which has given me time to review my own work and temper expectations as they also temper my own. 

Overall the game has seen a lot of changes in how production is handled but still is moving along despite the issues we may all be facing as individual and bringing a proper and clear communication to the team about these changes and our production. I do look forward to reading week and design week as a time to slowly pick at things I have personally been missing in our build and even an idea I have for a future sprint for the rest of the team in the upcoming weeks.

Production sure has been a n interesting ride so far. 


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Hey Ty, sucks to hear that you've got a lot going on outside of the project, I've been there and it's hard to stay on track when things are hectic in your personal life, good luck with that. It's interesting to see how production is being modified to adapt to a shortened project timeline, we've got a similar situation and it's making me a bit anxious but I know it's for the good of the team.

I'm sorry about the external stressors that are affecting your progress. We could've tried to figure out a system earlier on for accountability so you don't have as much of a burden placed on you as the only programmer. I think we'll catch up come reading week. 

Hey Ty!

Sorry to hear that it's been rocky on your end of the project, but I'm happy that you made some time with your group and the project! I might have to do what you said in your last point about using reading/design week to work on small things on the project. This gives me time to learn how to do animations on our project.