Dev Log 2 - Pitching a Game

During given class time, we were tasked with pitching our game ideas to the class based on our research studies. My concept was a game called Now You See Me, which is a simple action game with a focus on not altering gameplay but rather altering visuals through glitches as a main hook. There were also smaller scope pitches with the theme and other games I would take heavy reference from,  which was meant to explore how I could easily share my vision with my team without having to recreate a brand new game. 

My game is based not just on my research but also on past video games I have studied and played, as well as something I've been sitting on for a while as a gimmick I've always been interested in creating. Our team has decided on actually working on my pitch but we did have a very long conversation on how this pitch could be handled in a GDD format and in scope because of my lack of detail in my original pitch. Through some more team discussions and polishing on my end, we finally have come to have everyone on the same page. I'm both excited and nervous to work be working on my own pitch and coding as well but I think I got a good idea of where to go.

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